Monday 21 December 2009

MK snow

MK snow, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Oh yeah, it's snowing again! Maybe I'll have to walk to work tomorrow?!

In other news - I've just started marking my allocation of exam papers for this year... I have 68 to get through by Jan 7th, so I'm making a start now.

Saturday 12 December 2009

Not posted in a while!

L1082993, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

God knows why I've not posted for ages, but here's another random pic from me to the world.

Life's been a bit slow recently, but things are looking up a little for the coming weeks. Just spent a nice day with my mum and Ali... now I'm home and back to my photos from the week (of which there aren't many because I've been cycling to work and I don't like taking the Leica with me on the bike in this weather).

Thursday 12 November 2009


Bang!, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Well, it was fireworks night the other night and I went to Billing Aquadrome to enjoy some... and they weren't so bad, with very minimal banging noise! Hurrah!

Also, we've had a work experience person in the lab for the past week and I think it's really sad to say this but she's probably the coolest person I've met in Milton Keynes in the last 6 months or more. What a terrible place this really is!

Wednesday 21 October 2009


Fire skies 1, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Oooh, life. Hey, it's been a pretty good week here in Millsyville - I finally moved into my new office (well, actually it's my media production suite, but that sounds a bit odd).

It's been cool - and it's nice to have somewhere more quiet to retire to.

Curry and an episode of Sliders tonight, I think... plus some drumming! Hehe.

Monday 19 October 2009


Trollies, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Went to my beloved cambridge at the weekend... a short but sweet visit, but it reminded me that I must get back there soon!

Not much else to report at the moment, though I'm starting to move office now, so work will undoubtably get rather hectic.

Thursday 17 September 2009


Shadow, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

I'm only blogging this because I love this photo - one of my very favourites from the past months. Taken in Milton keynes (concrete can be beautiful, if you really try hard).

Tuesday 15 September 2009

The Sunset

L1082356, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Went to Brighton at the weekend (weather was divine!) and stayed for the sunset. Here's a rather lucky snap from that.

Thursday 3 September 2009

To the sky

To the sky, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

I had a week off last week... yay! I spent a lot of my time sorting out odd bits and bobs, and seeing friends. Had a lovely brunch with Mark in Wetherspoons and I also got to see Dalina, which is always great!

Also, I bought myself a new toy - a 1954 Rolleiflex 2.8C Twin Lens Reflex camera... it's gorgeous and the image above is a sample of it's prowess. Nothing quite beats the beauty of 6x6 film.

I developed and scanned this myself.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Celebrate diversity

I've been all over the place recently, but I think i'm a bit more settled now. In celebration of all the good things that the Southbank has to offer, here's a strange image of a skater that I took last weekend.

Saturday 20 June 2009


L1081321-2, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Actually, this is just the arm of a sofa in my living room - with the ceiling lamp illuminating an orange glow above it. Taken from the floor, looking up.

Thursday 18 June 2009

Cinematic rose

Cinematic rose, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

I've been trying out some techniques for getting a cinematic look in my photographs and this is really my first example.

I've learnt that what you need is to use a much wider lens, because the height-crop is quite severe at 2.35:1!

Even so, I think this has a certain beauty.

Friday 12 June 2009

Ali on orange

Ali on orange, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Went out to GBK last night and had a really nice Satay burger with fries and my favourite lime milkshake. It was very chilled out in there, which makes a change - it can get so damn busy.

Also watched the 1st transformers movie, so that we're prepared for next weeks release! Hehe.

Wednesday 10 June 2009


Raindrops, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

It's been a bit miserable again today. Though I do enjoy the rain, it sometimes sends me off the boil when it comes to photography. I know it's only about state of mind.... I'm looking for nicely lit summer shots, but all there is is greyness.

I realised that what I need to do is look for beauty in the rain, so I took a couple of shots and found this.

Tuesday 9 June 2009

No Parking.

No Parking., originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Went to Woburn recently, with Mum. It was a lovely day out, thought I was feeling very quiet.

There were lots of horses and their foals around, and hundreds of deer.. . fantastic.

Today, I am very tired, and we're about to watch a movie.

No Parking.

No Parking., originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Went to Woburn recently, with Mum. It was a lovely day out, thought I was feeling very quiet.

There were lots of horses and their foals around, and hundreds of deer.. . fantastic.

Today, I am very tired, and we're about to watch a movie.

Monday 8 June 2009


Editing, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

At work today, I ran a workshop on podcasting. There was also a workshop on video editing, which I attended... all very good stuff!

The pic shows John Naughton, Chris High and Brendan Aengenheister discussing the finder details of an edit.

At home, I'm listening to the Fun Lovin' Criminals, while trying out some new photo tools... mostly things for removing noise from my images... helping be a bit more flexible with my photography and trying to get the most out of my cameras.

Sunday 7 June 2009

The lights of Nero

The lights of Nero, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

We went to London yesterday. I cancelled my picnic, due to lack of interest and also rather poor weather!

There really wasn't much to photograph yesterday, and I had a film camera with me most of the time, so there's maybe a few ok shots from that, when its developed.

I took this while sat in Cafe Nero, in Camden.

On the plus side, Mark and T came round yesterday for a meal and to watch Gremlins. :o)

Friday 5 June 2009

It's so grey today!

It's horrible weather today, and there's not much interesting going on in my world. Mostly, it's been work! Perhaps something more interesting will happen later!?

I've decided to illustrate today with a slightly brighter photograph from last autumn.

Thursday 4 June 2009

Polling day

Polling day, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Hey, it was polling day today! Did you vote? I hope so.

Ok, so with all the recent problems that our MPs have been having, trying to find some kind of moral/ethical fibre in their over-worked selves, I can understand that voting seems about as appealing as eating raw eggs.

I vote because I believe in democracy... not just this poor excuse for democracy we entertain in this country, but nevertheless - what we have is better than many!

Anyway, enough from me.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Summer was here!

Well, we have had a few nice days of sun this week... Hope we have some more coming soon - especially for my picnic!

Today has been a real slog at work - I've really not felt particularly inspired, but I've been going through the motions. It's a rare day that I can find no inspiration at all, so I must be tired! I've been doing some storyboarding for a course video I'm putting together. It's a bit difficult, because I can't apply my full creativity to it - the concept is someone else's.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Rush Hour?

Rush Hour?, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

I was in London yesterday afternoon and passed through Euston station just before the manic rush hour began. Captured this, in the new forecourt.

It was very warm in london... I was thankful to escape into the shade in the station!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Monday 1 June 2009

Testing the uploading of embedded flickr photos on this blog.

First entry

Welcome to my new blog.  I'm trying out all sorts of blogging software in an effort to find the best for me.