Thursday, 17 September 2009


Shadow, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

I'm only blogging this because I love this photo - one of my very favourites from the past months. Taken in Milton keynes (concrete can be beautiful, if you really try hard).

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

The Sunset

L1082356, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Went to Brighton at the weekend (weather was divine!) and stayed for the sunset. Here's a rather lucky snap from that.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

To the sky

To the sky, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

I had a week off last week... yay! I spent a lot of my time sorting out odd bits and bobs, and seeing friends. Had a lovely brunch with Mark in Wetherspoons and I also got to see Dalina, which is always great!

Also, I bought myself a new toy - a 1954 Rolleiflex 2.8C Twin Lens Reflex camera... it's gorgeous and the image above is a sample of it's prowess. Nothing quite beats the beauty of 6x6 film.

I developed and scanned this myself.