Saturday, 1 October 2011


Peace, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

We took a trip to Ampthill last week and I managed to capture a few really nice scenes. I love this classic early sunset - it reminds me of 1960's and 70's photos.

The 50mm Summicron collapsible that I have flares like a B****, but once you know that, you can use it to interesting effect - like here!


Contrast, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

The clouds and vapour-trails really caught my eye here and the conversion to black and white has really helped to enhance this scene. I love the contrast here!

Taken with: Leica M9 and Summicron 50mm Collapsible.

Flame of nature

Flame of nature, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

I've been making the most of the fine weather in this late summer period.

The cold weather previously had turned the leaves towards the wonderful autumnal shades, so the new sunshine is really enhancing those colours to magnificent effect.

Taken with: Leica M9 digital camera and 35mm Voigtlander Color-Skopar.

A guide to better photographs

I've created a short guide to taking better photographs, to be used on some photographic workshops that I hope to run.

Here it is:

Friday, 22 April 2011

All seated

All seated, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Shot through the cabin on our Easyjet flight to Barcelona this year.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Sunday shopping

Sunday shopping, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Taken recently in Milton Keynes. I enjoy shooting into the sun at this time of year, as it nicely flares the lens for some high-contrast, low saturation scenes.