C major scale - good in three positions. Decided to read notes out loud while playing backwards. (c,b,a,g,f,e,d,c).
Started extending-out each scale position, over all strings. Helps with right-hand discipline when done fast.
Did whole-neck cmaj @140bpm. Must practice this more, as not yet smooth!
Dmin arpeggios, practiced all positions.
Started Working on continuous arpeggios at 140bpm. This is good.practice and allows me to see the links between positions.
Also tried playing double-notes for root-root cycles in each position. Needs more practice, as very sloppy!
When playing loops, need to look attracting these backwards, or in the opposite diagonal (high string to low string), as this is a very weak area!
Noted I've lost ground with the fun bitnof 6:00. Need more practice on this and Donna lee!