Sunday, 19 September 2010

St Pauls and the cranes

Took this recently while wandering through London. I'm very pleased with how it's come out here. I like the stark forms of the cranes agains the sky.

Perhaps it's a bit underexposed.

Saturday, 18 September 2010


Luncheon, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Took this piccie the other day and I thought I'd blog it, as I'm very pleased with it. It was one of those moments that was worth capturing. I'm very pleased with the little bit of D&B I've done to it, just enhancing the lighting a little.

Lighting is key.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

A very blue palette

More blue palette, originally uploaded by dillusional_confusion.

Just been playing around with my newest camera, the diminutive Sony NEX-5. I don't think a camera has impressed me more than this one - though I did have fairly low expectations.

Might have to do a review.

Anyways, the pic is of pallets. I think these particular ones are what the sand arrives on in Milton Keynes shopping centre (explanation: we have an indoor 'beach', for kids during the summer).